Over Thanksgiving break, I was given the opportunity to help
setup for an annual event for my hometown community called Lights of Hope,
which is an outdoor Christmas festival complete with light displays, hay rides,
mazes, arts and crafts, and many more activities. I was able to help setup
lights (and will be helping tear down after Christmas) and other displays at a
local park with my older brother for 2 days, or 14 hours total. I have
previously helped set up for this event in my high school days and it was
always extremely rewarding to see the finished product after everything was
finished. This event is extremely unique and it allows for people around the area
to come to a safe and family-friendly environment during the holiday season.
I had
planned to acquire more hours through the habitat for humanity, but sadly the
weather did not agree with my available date in November. When I go home again
for Christmas break, I have agreed to help work at the event in the days
leading up before Christmas as well as help tear down the event and take down
all of the lights. This will total to greater than 24 hours as each of the tear
down days (2) are scheduled to be 6 hours each.